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Tampilkan postingan dengan label My Articles in English. Tampilkan semua postingan

Selasa, 18 Desember 2012


Some days ago, I read news and watch it in some television programs that America toward next election. Obama is still one of candidates for president. Although the news is ever shown several times, but the news is still not becoming hot yet.
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When e-government subject is introduced to students of computer science department, there are students who don’t understand it. They view e-government research is similar with social research, no programming, and no computational mathematics. Not enough until there, they find that e-government is studied in interdisciplinary study of a university in Japan. Yes, the department is informatics science.
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Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Education System in Indonesia

Era development has made Indonesia to make amendment to the education system regulation. Indonesia has revision regulation for education that is National Education Systems Law of Indonesia Republic Number 20 Year 2003. It accommodates local autonomy (decentralization). This is to give easy for builder and implementer of education in facing life challenge autonomously, smart, critical, rational and creative (Aulia 2005). In the book, I am interested in three points , those are education basis, education level, and introduction language. Read more

Early Steps for Joining Online Business

When I am learning online business, some information or tips is found. Simply, it’s about how to begin or how to prepare someone who wants to join online business as a beginner. Some considerations what are taken are easy and free. Easy means I can do it soon. Free means I can do it only by capital with internet access. Two of them are safe steps for a beginner who doesn’t have much capital. Read more

Difference Between Arabic and English

Many people in the world are interested to learn English. English is a language number one in the world. Moreover in Internet, this language has made users have opinion that Internet language is English. Yes, we know that some programs are provided in each country language. But, by English skill users will be able to join so many Internet programs in International level, by building large communication with foreign people. Read more

Descent Indonesian Muslim

Types of Indonesian Muslim generally are consisting Muslim by descent and Muslim from other religions. Muslim by descent is Muslim who live in Islamic family. His/her parents are Muslim, so automatically their children are Muslim too. So, Islam identity is bequeathed from parents to children. Even the society in around them is Muslim too. Read more

Deception Makes Reluctant Bloggers

I know that so many students ever hear about online business (how to get money from Internet). I also know that many students ever try to practice it. But  there is fact that there are many student don’t try to practice it too, include Information Technology students. Read more

Deception in Facebook Through Like

I get information that there are people who use Facebook as a media for deception, especially using facility “Like”. The deceivers use topic related social, health or other topics what will invite sympathy of some visitors. After getting thousands “Like”, they will sell the page, and then topics will be changed into business topics. This is most abashing actions! Read more

Curriculum Implementation Faces Problems in Indonesia

Indonesia has some improved curriculum, Curriculum 1984, CBSA, KBK, KTSP and the last is character-based curriculum. A problem what is experienced when implementing them is local learning process is not synchronous with national last examination. Read more

Critical Mind Endangers Mental

Critical mind relatively benefits for our knowledge development. By it, we can learn something more creatively and progressively. Years ago, I guess that critical mind is very needed for everyone, without thinking how far the critical is. Read more

Corruption Cannot be Stopped in Indonesia

Corruption can not be stopped in Indonesia. This statement is just part of a sentence, so the sentence is not complete yet. The complete is corruption can not be stopped in Indonesia if it is not solved seriously. A person who brave to extirpate it can be named as a hero, because I see corruption has been happened systematically. “Radical” action and critical thinking may be needed. Read more


Almost I like writing, but I consider why must join at Triond. What is the consideration? It is among others if I can not be success with Triond, I must save my articles and can be published again on other online media. I mean that If Triond can not give me benefit; I will publish again the articles at my blog. Read more


So many bloggers in the world hope Adsense as one of payment sources for their life. I can understand it when compating Adsense with some local PPC providers in Indonesia. Its payment is more than local PPC. Read more


There are some ways to get money from Internet which is known as online business. And also, there are so many people have interesting on it because time and schedule are not limited. People can work all days, noon and night, 24 hours. Read more

Minggu, 18 November 2012


Today, I have one blog. This blog contains Information Theory, Database, Education, and other materials about computer, especially Google Adsense.

From more than 10 blogs, I make one blog for my main activity in Internet. In this blog, I will write article more about "How to get Money?"I like ways of getting money from Internet legally. No excessive income, but every income must be gotten based our hard work and fight.

How about other blogs? They are made as my additional blog. They are updated every week.

So, I am very glad if my loved visitors visit me too at


Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012


As an illustration, micro teaching forum usually is attended 5 until 6 person with duration 5 until 10 minutes (Roestiyah 2008: 25). Of course, our lecturer will attend it too. But when it is used as job test, sometimes audiences are only two examiners (lecturers of the institution that provide job opportunity).



Why must be English? I read some information that most readers frequently come from America and Europe. So they can visit and read our articles frequently if written in English. It is real fact of English role.



The professional capability is very important and needed, because will give big impact to society, of course positive impact or benefit. Students who want to apply professionalism relatively will be easier because of not learn large studies. And the goal will be reached soon.

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012


I often see that almost every student has Facebook account. Even they almost everyday update their status. In one side, it makes students creative to write anything. But, if we see the content is still more far from educative content. They write status only what they want, what they feel, what they experience, frequently without consideration to be accessed publicly. They write their status “most honestly”. If it is viewed from Islam principles, they are not clever keep their selves ignominy yet. More


Today, Islam development in Indonesia has developed progressively. Modern understanding for Islam grows enough quickly. Some methods for introducing Islam theory in different styles also are often used by Muslim scholars. They have some innovative ways for teaching Islam concept to other people. More